Dimensions of Wellness
TCU believes wellness is a positive perspective on life. Wellness is the lifelong pursuit of developing personal values and building awareness of balanced choices to impact healthy behaviors that allows an individual to see the best version of one’s self that enhances the community in which they live.
We recognize there are multiple components that contribute to college students maintaining a balance in their well-being. Let’s break down the different dimensions of wellness we focus on.
Physical Wellness
Physical wellness is more than just exercise and nutrition. Understanding the role of sleep, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, regular physical activity, attends regular medical check-ups and practices safe and healthy sexual relations are all interconnected in physical wellness.
Emotional Wellness
Stress can take a toll on our physical health and, if untreated, can negatively impact our successes in all aspects of life. Focusing on emotional wellness empowers self-care, relaxation, and stress reduction.
Relational Wellness
The socially well person has a network of support based on interdependence, mutual trust, respect and has developed a sensitivity and awareness towards the feelings of others.
Spiritual Wellness
Seeking harmony and balance by openly exploring the depth of human purpose, meaning and connection through dialogue and self-reflection will allow you to feel a higher connection to the world around you.
Occupational Wellness
The professionally well person engages in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment, consistent with values, goals and lifestyle, while working towards a balance of work demands and a life outside of work.
Financial Wellness
Improving your financial wellbeing may start with understanding your relationship to money and if your perception of money aligns with your current financial means. Improving your financial wellness means being aware of your financial abilities and budgets as well as saving and managing finances in order to achieve realistic goals.