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Wellness in Quarantine

Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of someone who was exposed to COVID-19 to see if they become sick. This helps stop the spread of the virus, which can travel through people even if they do not display any symptoms. This extra precaution makes sure you do not infect others, but it does not have to be viewed through a negative lens.

Even in quarantine, you can still enjoy life! Use this extra downtime to your advantage and do things you usually don’t or have always wanted to do but haven’t because you have been busy. While we focus on our physical wellness with COVID-19, use this time to engage with all your dimensions of wellness and come out thriving!


Physical Wellness

Take walks outside daily (Don’t forget to wear a face mask and stay physically distant). If you feel like staying in, check out these at-home workouts you can do using a backpack.


Emotional Wellness

Pandemics can be stressful, especially in quarantine. Focusing on our emotional wellness empowers self-care, relaxation, and stress reduction.

Relax while filling in a fun TCU coloring page or sign up with TCU Counseling Service to write or receive a Letter of Care.


Relational Wellness

Even while physically distant it is important to stay social. Keep your relationships active!

  • Call a good friend you haven’t talked to in a while
  • FaceTime or Skype with a family member
  • Look through old family photos


Spiritual Wellness

Seek harmony and balance by openly exploring the depth of human purpose, meaning, and connection through dialogue and self-reflection. This will allow you to feel a higher connection to the world around you.

Try these 10 meditations for self-compassion or watch our Mindfulness & Relaxation video below:

*** Mindfulness and relaxation video above.

TCU Religious & Spiritual Life promotes practicing a centering prayer and practicing mindful breathing.


Occupational Wellness

How can you utilize this time to improve your academics, prepare for your profession, and balance the time commitments in your life?

Maybe organize your room, desk, and backpack or update your resume and apply for an internship or watch our time management video below:

*** Time management video above.


Financial Wellness

Take this time to evaluate your finances: go through last month’s bills and see where you can save, plan out a budget, and figure out how to improve your credit.

If you have been financially affected by COVID-19 and need financial assistance, apply for the TCU Frog Family Crisis Fund.


For more ways to become engaged with TCU virtually:

Virtual Student Activities and Connected Campus Guide.


For more information about COVID-19 please visit

TCU COVID-19 Self Reporting Hotline: 817-257-2684 (COVI)